Simple "Search" command to search for strings in the comparison panes.Allows the copying of text from the comparison panes via drag and drop, a hot key, or a right button pop up.Easy navigation through the differences via "Previous Difference"/ "Current difference"/ "Next Difference" buttons and hot keys or via a drop-down list box of all the differences.Saves the file differences in a standard UNIX DIFF file.ExamDiff will spawn any editor (configurable by the user) with the first or second file, and line number option (available for editors that support this, through ExamDiff variables: $FILE (first or second file name), $CURFIFF (number of line at which the current difference starts), and $CARET (number of line where the caret is located). Easy editing of the first and second files.Drag and drop support for dropping one or two files into the program's window (e.g.One push re-compare function which attempts to leave the viewer's focus in the same place as before the re-compare.

There is no need to specify both filenames: just enter a directory name for one of the files to be compared.